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Real estate and construction innovations help solve climate crisis – EUR 12 million in development funding available in spring

Ministry of the Environment
Publication date 2.2.2023 10.29
Press release

Emissions from the real estate and construction sector can be effectively cut while creating new business that is also of international interest. The Low-carbon Built Environment Programme is offering another approximately EUR 12 million in funding for research, development and innovation projects that promote the green transition of the built environment.

Business Finland’s last call for applications for export-oriented projects is already under way and will close on 14 April 2023. It will grant slightly over EUR 10 million in funding.

The Ministry of the Environment’s last call for applications is also open for parties operating only in Finland, such as companies, municipalities and organisations, from 6 February to 3 March 2023. The ministry will grant a maximum of EUR 1.5 million in funding.

Construction produces about a third of Finland’s climate emissions

Construction accounts for roughly one third of Finland’s climate emissions and indirectly affects emissions from many other sectors. The Low-carbon Built Environment Programme accelerates the green transition through project funding and by providing a platform for cooperation between actors and the sharing of best lessons learned.

“The real estate and construction sector is the key to achieving climate targets and halting nature loss. It is wonderful that operators in the sector have taken up development and see its opportunities also from the point of view of business,” says Maija Stenvall, Project Coordinator at the Ministry of the Environment.

The funded projects create solutions for low-carbon building materials and the reuse of materials, life cycle calculation and the energy efficiency of buildings, among other things. New digital tools help to identify emission sources, improve the efficiency of energy and material use and verify climate impact.

“The international scalability of the project results is a key element. When proven models can be replicated, business grows and emissions reductions multiply. At the same time, solutions are created for which there is also a growing need in the international market,” says Virpi Mikkonen, Account Lead at Business Finland.

The funded projects will be presented at a seminar on 2 February at from 14.00 to 16.00 and in the online situation room

Around 70 projects have already been funded under the six previous calls for applications of the Low-carbon Built Environment Programme. Eleven of them will be presented at the seminar on Thursday, 2 February at between 14.00 and 16.00. The event can be followed live online.

The funded projects can also be conveniently viewed in the situation room on the programme website. The situation room also gives an overview of the objectives, schedule and potential of the projects to reduce emissions from the built environment. Project cards are constantly being added to the service.


Ministry of the Environment’s call for applications:
Maija Stenvall
Project Coordinator
Ministry of the Environment
Tel. +358 295 25 0354
[email protected]

Business Finland’s call for applications:
Virpi Mikkonen
Account Lead
Business Finland
Tel. +358 50 5577 930
[email protected]

Programme networks:
Teemu Lehtinen
Tel. +358 40 456 6108
[email protected]
The Low-carbon Built Environment Programme (KIRAilmasto programme) will invest EUR 40 million in climate action related to the built environment in the coming years. The programme is implemented by the Ministry of the Environment and Business Finland. Business Finland grants funding for projects supporting export, in particular, and the Ministry of the Environment grants funding for national research, development and innovation activities. The funding for the programme comes from the non-recurring EU Recovery and Resilience Facility, the national use of which is outlined in the Sustainable Growth Programme for Finland. In addition to project funding, the Low-carbon Built Environment Programme provides a platform for broad cooperation between actors and the sharing of best lessons learned.
