Help Find Finland’s Best Biodiversity Input 2013-2014

Ministry of the Environment
Publication date 15.8.2014 5.03
Type:Press release

 The best input for the halting the loss of biodiversity is again being looked for in Finland. The National Committee of IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature needs your help in finding an individual, organisation or business that has been able to safeguard the vitality of nature and the functioning of ecosystem services in 2013 and 2014 in Finland. The winner will be awarded in December.

The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species has been published 50 years with the help of volunteer scientists. That is why we would like to find an input that is related to species, volunteer work, nature education for children and youngsters or piece of art that promoted the conservation of species or ecosystems. The biodiversity input can be, for example, practical nature conservation, communications, environmental education, research or business. It can be an input or project that has been finished in 2013-2014. The best biodiversity input will meet at least of the following criteria:

  • Address the underlying causes of biodiversity loss by mainstreaming biodiversity across government and society
  • Reduce the direct pressures on biodiversity and promote sustainable use
  • To improve the status of biodiversity by safeguarding ecosystems, species and genetic diversity
  • Enhance the benefits to all from biodiversity and ecosystem services
  • Enhance implementation through participatory planning, knowledge management and capacity building

Entries for the competition should be made on October 15 at the latest by using the Webropol tool.

The best biodiversity input is sought for the fifth time

The best input for Finnish biodiversity is sought now for the fifth time. Two years ago three journalists that promote the communication on biological diversity in their work were awarded. The way of the Finnish Natural Heritage Foundation to acquire old-growth forests and guarantee them permanent conservation status was awarded in 2010 as the Best Biodiversity Action in Finland. The best act to promote biodiversity in 2008 was the decision of Espoo City Council to protect 550 hectares of land to celebrate the 550th anniversary of the City. In 2006 Helsinki City Public Works Department’s Crafts Workshop was awarded the Countdown Certificate of Honour for landscaping the Vuosaari dump and landfill site in an innovative way and using native plants species.

IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature is the oldest and largest global environmental organisation and network. The Finnish Association for Nature Conservation, the Ministry of the Environment, WWF Finland, the Finnish Society for Nature and Environment (Natur och miljö), the Finnish Wildlife Agency and Birdlife Finland are Finnish IUCN member organisations. Some 70 Finns are volunteer members of IUCN Commissions, 40 of them in the Species Survival Commission.

The form for submitting your proposal for best biodiversity input (in Finnish or in Swedish):

  • The form in Finnish (
  • The form in Swedish (
  • If you wish to send attachments, please send them to liisa.nikula (at) marking clearly to which proposal they are related to.

Additional information on the websites:

Additional information:

Senior Environmental Adviser Matti Nummelin, IUCN National Committee of Finland, Chair, +358 40 503 8442, [email protected]

Senior Advisor Liisa Nikula, IUCN National Committee of Finland, Secretariat, +358 40 528 8467, [email protected]

Ministerial Adviser Marina von Weissenberg, IUCN Vice-President, +358 50 307 0806, [email protected]