Archinfo Finland entrusted as contact point for New European Bauhaus

The Ministry of Education and Culture has entrusted Archinfo Finland as Finland’s contact point for the New European Bauhaus initiative. The contact point participates in an EU-wide informal network for exchange of information and experience and communicates nationally on opportunities for participation and funding possibilities.
The Commission has invited each Member State to entrust an entity as a contact point. Finland’s Ministry of Education and Culture, the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment lend support to the contact point in nationally coordinating the initiative.
The European Commission’s New European Bauhaus initiative brings new opportunities for collaboration and funding possibilities in the fields of architecture, construction, design, fashion and services. Launched by the Commission in 2020, the initiative implements the European Green Deal and creates aesthetic, sustainable and inclusive solutions and projects for our lives and living spaces.
Funding from several EU programmes
The new European Bauhaus is in the implementation phase, which will run through to 2023. Funding to the tune of EUR 85 million will be allocated from EU programmes to the initiative’s projects between 2021 and 2022. The New European Bauhaus will also be included in the priorities of many EU programmes that do not have any pre-established resources allocated to them. The Commission also calls on Member States to support the initiative in their national strategies and funding.
The call for applications, which runs until April, for the Horizon Europe programme provides funding for projects that create innovative architectural and design solutions. Current calls for funding are also under way in Erasmus+, including alliances for innovation, which support strategic cooperation between higher education and vocational education and training sectors and companies. The European Youth Together 2020 call for projects, in turn, supports transnational partnerships for youth organisations.
A webinar in Finnish on the Bauhaus call for proposals will be held on 16 February 2022. The event will provide information on the application periods and terms of different funding channels.
Apply for the New European Bauhaus Prize
The New European Bauhaus initiative seeks award-winning projects and ideas that exemplify beautiful, sustainable, and inclusive achievements. The winners will receive a maximum prize of EUR 30,000 and a communications package. In addition to existing projects, young talents will also be awarded. The maximum age limit for the New European Bauhaus Rising Star award is age 30. The application period is now open and closes on 28 February.
Nordic countries participating together to implement the New Bauhaus
The Nordic Council of Ministers is currently preparing a joint Nordic Bauhaus programme. The Nordic ministers responsible for housing and construction decided in late 2021 to support a joint programme involving low-carbon construction and the circular economy. Related negotiations are currently under way with the European Commission.
New European Bauhaus contact point: Eeva Astala, Specialist, tel. +358 40 686 2155,
New European Bauhaus contact pointLinkki toiselle sivustolleAvautuu uudessa välilehdessä Linkki toiselle sivustolle
Mobilising EU programmes to support projectsLinkki toiselle sivustolleAvautuu uudessa välilehdessä
Read more about the Initiative’s funding opportunitiesLinkki toiselle sivustolleAvautuu uudessa välilehdessä Linkki toiselle sivustolle
Apply for the New European Bauhaus PrizeLinkki toiselle sivustolleAvautuu uudessa välilehdessä