National Air Pollution Control Programme 2030
A key measure in the implementation of the EU commitments and the objectives of national air pollution control policies is the National Air Pollution Control Programme 2030, adopted by the Government in March 2019. The Programme includes the measures required for the implementation of the emission reduction commitments set out in the EU’s National Emission Ceilings Directive (2016/2284) and other measures required for the improvement of air quality.
The Directive obliges Member States to update their national air pollution control programmes at least every four years. The Government approved the first update of the National Air Pollution Control Programme 2030 in March 2023. The emission inventories, emission scenarios, air quality data, and information on the national policy framework, division of responsibilities and ecosystem monitoring have now been updated. The Programme adopted in 2019 remains in force and the updates will be read side by side with it.
Emissions of the Åland Islands are included in the National Air Pollution Control Programme and in the update, but Åland decides independently on its emission reduction policies and measures.
- Institutional Repository for the Government Valto: First update of the national air pollution control programme 2030
- Institutional Repository for the Government Valto: National Air Pollution Control Programme 2030
EU commitments and how these are fulfilled
The table below presents the emission reduction commitments set for Finland in the National Emission Ceilings Directive. Efforts have been made to set the emission reduction commitments for different EU Member States in such a way that the greatest benefits with respect to the situation as a whole could be achieved at the lowest cost. In practice, this means that Finland's commitments are lower than those of most other countries.
Finland’s emission reduction commitments as percentages and emission ceilings in kilotonnes (kt) calculated from these.
Pollutants | Emissions in 2005 used as the basis for commitments |
Commitments 2020-2029 |
Commitments 2030 |
SO2 | 70 kt | -30 % (49 kt) | -34 % (46 kt) |
NOX | 208 kt | -35 % (136 kt) | -47 % (110 kt) |
NMVOC | 148 kt | -35 % (96 kt) | -48 % (77 kt) |
NH3 | 40 kt | -20 % (32 kt) | -20 % ( 32 kt) |
PM2.5 | 26 kt | -30 % (18 kt) | -34 % (17 kt) |
According to the update of the National Air Pollution Control Programme (Chapter 6), in 2020 Finland achieved its emission reduction commitments for all air pollutants included in the National Emission Ceilings Directive.
According to calculations by the Finnish Environment Institute, the commitments set in the National Emission Ceilings Directive will be fulfilled with the measures agreed for the implementation of the Energy and Climate Strategy and the Action Plan to Reduce Ammonia Emissions from Agriculture and with the implementation of the sector-specific emission limit regulation that is already in place. Besides these, the additional measures planned for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the Medium-term Climate Policy Plan (KAISU) also contribute to the reduction of air pollutant emissions.
- Institutional Repository for the Government Valto: Carbon neutral Finland 2035 – national climate and energy strategy
- Institutional Repository for the Government Valto: Action Plan to Reduce Ammonia Emissions from Agriculture in Finland for the years 2021–2027
- Institutional Repository for the Government Valto: Medium-term Climate Change Policy Plan: Towards a carbon-neutral society 2035
National objectives and measures
Air pollution will continue to have harmful effects on human health and the environment in 2030 even if the commitments of the National Emission Ceilings Directive were fulfilled. This is why the Air Pollution Control Programme sets out measures by which emissions and concentrations of pollutants can be brought even lower than the level required in EU legislation. These measures concern especially emission sources at breathing height in urban areas (small-scale burning of wood, street dust) and the efforts to link air quality issues to all planning, decision-making and implementation processes that have impacts on air quality.
The responsibility for implementing the measures rests with a broad range of national, regional and local organisations. The key players include different ministries (Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, Ministry of Transport and Communications, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry), Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom, municipalities, Helsinki Region Environmental Services HSY, research institutes (Finnish Environment Institute, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, Finnish Meteorological Institute, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health Valvira), and various associations (e.g. Central Association of Chimney Sweeps, The Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners (MTK) and The Finnish Association for Nature Conservation).
The implementation of the National Air Pollution Control Programme includes best practices for air pollution control for citizens and different kinds of operators. The main focus is on tips that can be used to reduce air pollutant emissions through voluntary action.
Implementation Network of the National Air Pollution Control Programme 2030
The Ministry of the Environment has appointed the Implementation Network of the National Air Pollution Control Programme 2030 for the second term from 11 May 2023 to 31 March 2027. The task of the Implementation Network is to plan, support, execute and monitor the implementation of the National Air Pollution Control Programme.
More information
Katja Ohtonen, Senior Specialist
Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Environmental Protection Department, Ilmasto ja kemikaalit Telephone:0295250168 Email Address: [email protected]