Land use, housing and transport agreements

The agreements concerning land use, housing and transport are concluded by the State of Finland with the largest urban regions. The purpose of the agreements is to facilitate and support the cooperation between municipalities in urban regions and between municipalities and the State in the guidance related to the urban structure and coordination of land use, housing and transport.

The key aim is to improve the functioning and competitiveness of urban regions and ensure a balanced development of municipalities. The matters specified in the agreements include the objectives for land use development and housing production in the coming years and key development projects concerning the transport network.

The parties to the agreements representing the State are the Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Transport and Communications, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, Ministry of Finance, Housing Finance and Development Centre of Finland (ARA), Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency, Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom, and the Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment of the region concerned.

Agreements concerning land use, housing and transport 2020–2031

The agreements concerning the urban regions of Helsinki, Tampere, Turku and Oulu for 2020–2031 have been signed on 2 June 2020. On 23rd June 2021 the agreements have been signed with new regions: Jyväskylä, Kuopio and Lahti.

The previous agreements covered the years 2016–2019.