More information
Jarmo Muurman, Senior Ministerial Adviser
Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Environmental Protection Department, Management Support Telephone:0295250185 Email Address: [email protected]
Climate Policy Roundtable’s message to the next Government: Finland must stick to its climate neutrality target
Type:Press release
Publication date:21.2.2023 16.31
Climate Policy Roundtable: Upholding climate targets key issue in terms of justice
Type:Press release
Publication date:8.12.2022 15.58
Climate Policy Roundtable to discuss climate justice in policy preparation
Type:Press release
Publication date:7.12.2022 11.06
Climate Policy Roundtable: Solutions to energy crisis must not slow down green transition
Type:Press release
Publication date:15.9.2022 14.58
Climate Policy Roundtable meets to discuss energy crisis and ways to boost green transition
Type:Press release
Publication date:14.9.2022 13.44
Climate Policy Roundtable: Climate plan for land use sector must take into account many dimensions of just transition
Type:Press release
Publication date:22.3.2022 17.09
Climate Policy Roundtable meets to discuss climate plan for land use sector
Type:Press release
Publication date:21.3.2022 13.02
Climate Policy Roundtable discussed Medium-term Climate Change Policy Plan
Type:Press release
Publication date:28.2.2022 17.02
Climate Policy Roundtable meets to discuss assessment of measures in Medium-term Climate Change Policy Plan
Type:Press release
Publication date:21.2.2022 14.43
Life cycle perspective is the key to promoting low-carbon construction
Type:Press release
Publication date:9.12.2021 14.07