Environmental impacts of activities at the Ministry of the Environment

The aim of the Ministry of the Environment is to minimise the environmental harm caused by its activities and to consistently follow the principles of sustainable development. The Ministry of the Environment acts ecologically and in a way that causes as low emissions as possible, both in the daily work of public officials and in the activities of the Ministry as a whole.

In 2008 a Green Office group with representatives from all departments of the Ministry of the Environment was set up to support these efforts. The Green Office group is tasked with making the Ministry of the Environment even more environmentally friendly, and it also organises visits to various organisations and sites where eco-friendly innovations are being implemented.

Ministry of the Environment belongs to the WWF Green Office network

The Ministry of the Environment has been a member of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Green Office network since 2011. The Green Office is an environmental management system for offices, enabling workplaces to reduce their burden on the environment, achieve savings in material and energy costs, and contribute to climate change mitigation.

The WWF evaluates the implementation of the Green Office system at the Ministry of the Environment through regular inspections and on the basis of annual reports submitted by the Ministry.

The system is used to monitor the environmental impacts of travelling, procurements, property management (energy and water consumption and waste management) and paper consumption (publication, copying, printing) at the Ministry of the Environment.


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