Improving the state of waters and marine areas 2023-2027 (Ahti Programme)

The aim of the AHTI Programme is to achieve a good status for waters and the Baltic Sea. The programme promotes the implementation of the national Marine Environment Management Plan (Marine Strategy Document) and regional River Basin Management Plans. During the term 2023–2027 the priorities of the Government Programme are to curb nutrient loading, improve the structure of arable lands, control harmful substances and recover resources and take them into use. A particular focus in the Government Programme is on measures to reduce loading from agriculture in the catchment area of the Archipelago Sea. 

Archipelago Sea catchment area into model area for nutrient recycling 

The Archipelago Sea is a unique mosaic of islands and water in the northern Baltic Sea region. Its nature is highly diverse, but the sea has become eutrophic due to nutrient loading that has continued for a long time. Nutrient load from agriculture in the Archipelago Sea catchment area is included in the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission HELCOM's hot spot list of major polluters, and Finland aims to have it removed from the list by 2027 at the latest. To improve the status, nutrient recycling must be improved and nutrient loading ending up in the sea must be reduced. The work is guided by the Archipelago Sea Programme launched in 2021 and the Roadmap for Agriculture and its water protection measures prepared under the programme.

The measures under the Ahti Programme concern e.g. the use of soil conditioners, especially gypsum, to prevent nutrient leaching from arable lands, nutrient recycling and transfer, increasing plant cover in winter, formulation and implementation of catchment plans through water restoration and management projects, cooperation in water protection between companies, and advisory services on water protection in agriculture. Measures are targeted to the whole Archipelago Sea catchment, but an even stronger focus is on three pilot areas that are particularly significant in terms of the loading: catchments areas of the Rivers Aurajoki and Paimionjoki and Kimitoön island and the sea area around it.

Curbing nutrient loading 

In the protection of waters and marine areas, it is important to control the quantity and quality of water and its movement in the catchment area. We support river basin planning and the implementation of the plans, including through restoration of waters and water management grant projects for agriculture and forestry. Restoration is needed both in waters and in their catchment areas, i.e. areas were the nutrient, harmful substance and solids loading is produced and from where the water runs into water bodies. New operating models for water management in agriculture and forestry and river basin planning have been developed in regional pilot projects on water management. The measures under the theme to curb nutrient loading contribute to improving the status of waters and marine areas.

We also support regional networks of experts that in their respective areas promote river basin planning and its implementation and other water restoration and management measures. Regional networks have a key role in promoting cooperation among experts and project actors and disseminating up-to-date information and skills. The national water restoration network brings together and promotes the activities of the regional networks.
The work is also guided by the Roadmap for Catchment-based Planning 2030 that defines the principles for multi-objective planning based on catchment areas and the measures for mainstreaming the planning.

Resources recovered and into use 

The Ministry of the Environment supports investments and research, development and innovation projects that promote the recycling of nutrients from different kinds of waste and side streams and from biomass. The grants improve the conditions for a profitable market for recycled nutrients. Besides nutrient recycling, the Ministry has supported projects that promote the energy efficiency and energy neutrality of urban wastewater treatment. 

Improving soil structure 

In order to reduce nutrient emissions and improve the soil structure, we will promote the use of soil conditioners on arable lands. Gypsum is supplied to farmers free of charge to be used to fix phosphorus and solids into soil and effectively reduce water loading for a few years. We also wish to increase the use of fibre sludge and structure lime as soil conditioners. The research project ‘Possibilities in parallel use of soil amendments’ (AIN3) explores the parallel use of three different soil amendments. Based on the results, we will introduce solutions for methods and operating models for expanding the use of fibres and structure lime as soil amendments. 

Control of harmful substances

We will focus on urban water management and the cleaning of contaminated groundwater areas and support the renovation of wrecks that pose a risk of environmental damage.

Pollutants, nutrients and litter that cause problems in the aquatic ecosystem are transported from cities to watercourses. We will launch grant applications and support studies that develop and introduce preventive practices and methods for reducing emissions from sewer overflows and urban runoff. In addition, operating models for cooperation in land use, land use planning and water supply will be developed in the management of sewerage and stormwaters, and information on the possibilities of reducing and eliminating harmful substances will be increased.

As a result of human activity, harmful substances that pose a risk to the environment and human health may end up in groundwater areas. We are looking for ways to ensure good groundwater quality in sites where the polluter of groundwater cannot be held accountable.

More information

Maria Laamanen, Senior Ministerial Adviser 
Ministry of the Environment, Vesi- ja luontoympäristöosasto, Water resources and marine protection Telephone:0295250359   Email Address:

Riikka Malila, Project Manager 
Ministry of the Environment, Vesi- ja luontoympäristöosasto, Water resources and marine protection Telephone:0295250160   Email Address: