Environmental Damage Fund
The Environmental Damage Fund is an off-budget entity. Compensations from the Fund will be paid for costs incurred from preventing environmental pollution and restoring polluted environments and for damage caused when compensation cannot be claimed from the liable party. This kind of situation may arise due to insolvency or because the liable party is not known. In addition, discretionary grants are awarded from the Fund to those responsible for organising rescue services for procurements related to preventing environmental damages.
The Environmental Damage Fund will replace the present Oil Pollution Compensation Fund and the compulsory environmental damage insurance.
Environmental liability contribution
The funds for paying the compensations are collected as annual or one-off environmental liability contributions from operators whose activities may pose a risk of environmental pollution. In 2025 one-off environmental liability contributions will be collected to the Fund. The collection of annual environmental liability contributions that will always be targeted to the operations in the preceding year will start in 2026. The Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment for South Ostrobothnia will serve as the authority responsible for collecting the contributions.
More information on the payment obligation, determining the contribution, payment categories and collection of the contributions (in Finnish) is available at
Compensations paid from the Environmental Damage Fund
Compensations from the Environmental Damage Fund are paid for damages and for costs of prevention and restoration if the compensation cannot be collected in full from the liable party laid down by law. In relation to securities, compulsory and voluntary insurance policies and other statutory compensation arrangements, the Environmental Damage Fund is always the last resort for paying compensations.
The maximum compensation for damages caused by a single pollution event or other similar incident and the prevention and restoration costs is EUR 30 million.
As a rule, compensation from the Environmental Damage Fund must be applied for in writing within three years from the date when it has come to the knowledge of the party suffering damage or the authority that carried out the prevention and restoration measures that compensation cannot be claimed from the party liable for the damage and costs. In certain situations, advance compensation can also be paid from the Fund to authorities for prevention and restoration costs.
Grants paid from the Environmental Damage Fund
The appropriation to be transferred to the Fund from the Budget will be used for grants to be awarded for procurements related to preventing environmental damages. The amount of the appropriation may vary from one year to another. These discretionary government grants can be awarded to wellbeing services counties and the city of Helsinki and to the Government of Åland and municipalities in Åland.
Grants for procuring prevention equipment can be applied for annually between 1 January and 30 June at the haeavustuksia.fi website. The Board of the Fund processes the applications starting on 1 July. Further information on the annual applications for grants will be published on the same website.
Limit for the capital
The limit for the capital of the Environmental Damage Fund is EUR 30 million. When this is exceeded, the collection of environmental liability contributions is interrupted until the capital of the Fund has decreased to EUR 15 million.
Board of the Environmental Damage Fund
Decisions concerning compensations and grants paid from the Environmental Damage Fund are made by the Board of the Fund, appointed by the Ministry of the Environment for three-years at a time. The Board has a chairperson, vice chairperson and five other members, each with a personal deputy. The chairperson of the Board comes from the Ministry of the Environment. The other members represent central government and municipal authorities, businesses and environmental organisations.
Kysymyksiä ympäristövahinkorahastosta
The aim of the Fund is to ensure that the environmental obligations of various operators are as far as possible fulfilled without financial intervention by the State. The Fund protects the position of the party suffering damage in the event of environmental damages. The aim in awarding grants is to contribute to good response capabilities.
Ministry of the Environment
The funds for the payments from the Environmental Damage Fund are collected as tax-like environmental liability contributions from operators that may cause environmental pollution. Environmental liability contributions are collected as annual or one-off payments.
The obligation to pay environmental liability contributions is based on the operators’ activities involving a risk of causing environmental pollution. In practice, the obligation to pay applies to all activities that under the Environment Protection Act (527/2014) are subject to a permit or notification or that have to be registered. The obligation also applies to operators causing a risk of environment pollution in Åland.
The amount of the environmental liability contribution is determined by the Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment for South Ostrobothnia that serves as the authority responsible for collecting the contributions.
More information about environmental liability contributions (in Finnish) is available at:
Ministry of the Environment
The collection of environment liability contributions starts in 2025.
One-off payments will be collected for the first time in 2025. The first annual payments will be collected in 2026, with the payments targeted to the operations in the previous year.
Ministry of the Environment
The limit for the assets of the Environmental Damage Fund is EUR 30 million. When the assets exceed this, the collection of environmental liability contributions is suspended. The collection is restarted when the assets of the Fund are below EUR 15 million.
The assets of the Fund have been determined by taking into account the earlier environmental liability incidents where state budget funding has been needed, and the volume of the Oil Pollution Compensation Fund and the scope of compulsory environmental damage insurance that will be abolished.
Without major incidents, the limit of EUR 30 million in assets will be reached in about ten years.
Ministry of the Environment
Two kinds of compensations can be paid from the Fund: compensations to parties suffering damage and compensations for prevention and restoration costs incurred by the authorities.
Provisions on compensations to parties suffering damage are laid down in section 13 of the Act on the Environmental Damage Fund (1262/2022). The compensations from the Fund payable to parties suffering damage are primarily determined by legislation concerning environmental liability, including the Act on Compensation for Environmental Damage (737/1994), Maritime Act (674/1994) and Damages Act (412/1974).
Provisions on compensations for prevention and restoration costs incurred by the authorities are laid down in section 15 of the Act on the Environmental Damage Fund. For example, compensations can be paid to rescue authorities for the costs of preventing oil and chemical spills from ships, to municipalities for the costs of post oil spill recovery measures, and to state supervisory authorities for the costs of measures that are necessary to prevent or restrict environmental pollution referred to in section 182 a of the Environmental Protection Act.
In all situations, the Fund is the last resort option for paying the compensations.
The Fund has the right to recover the compensations it has paid from the party established as liable for compensation if it turns out that such a solvent party responsible for the damage can be found.
Ministry of the Environment
Compensations can be paid from the Fund for damage and for prevention and restoration costs if
- compensation cannot be collected in full from the party that under other law is liable for the costs of the damage or the party responsible for the prevention and restoration costs; or
- the party liable for the damage or responsible for the prevention and restoration costs under other law cannot be established.
A further condition for paying compensation is that the compensation for damage or the prevention and restoration costs are not paid in full from a security lodged by the liable party or party responsible for the costs, a statutory or voluntary insurance policy or another compensation scheme laid down by law. The above conditions for paying compensation must be fulfilled in all situations where compensation is payable.
Situations where compensations are paid from the Fund may arise e.g. in connection with bankruptcies where compensation cannot be collected from the party causing damage, the bankruptcy estate or the possessor of the waste or area.
Ministry of the Environment
Securities include the financial guarantee for waste treatment operations under the Environmental Protection Act and the collateral for termination of mining activity and certain exceptional circumstances under the Mining Act (621/2011).
The statutory insurance policies include e.g. the motor liability insurance. The liable party may also have various kinds of voluntary insurance policies that can be used in compensation situations referred to in the Fund.
Other compensation schemes refer to cases where the compensations are processed and paid by another party or authority, such as the State Treasury. The Environmental Damage Fund does not change the liabilities laid down in other acts.
Ministry of the Environment
The maximum compensation for damages caused by a single pollution event or other similar incident and the prevention and restoration costs is EUR 30 million.
The Environmental Damage Fund is not used to prepare for exceptionally high pollution risks or damages where state budget funding may be needed.
Ministry of the Environment
Compensation from the Fund is applied for with a written application addressed to the Board of the Environmental Damage Fund.
Provisions on the deadlines for and content of the application for compensation are laid down in section 17 of the Act on the Environmental Damage Fund and in the Decree on Compensations and Grants Referred to in the Act on the Environmental Damage Fund (571/2024).
Ministry of the Environment
Within the limits of the funds transferred from the state budget, grants from the Fund can be awarded for covering part of the acquisition costs of equipment used for the prevention of environmental damage in rescue operations.
Ministry of the Environment
Grants can be applied for by the rescue services of wellbeing services counties and the City of Helsinki and by the Government and municipalities of Åland.
Ministry of the Environment
The grants are financed by an appropriation to be transferred from the state budget. Parliament approves the appropriation for the Fund annually in connection with the state budget preparations. Assets of the Fund collected as environmental liability contributions are not used for grants.
Ministry of the Environment
The application period for the grants is between 1 January and 30 June. Applications for the grants are submitted online at Applyforgrants.fi.
Ministry of the Environment
More information
Kati Leskinen, Senior Specialist
Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Environmental Protection Department, Emissions and Environmental Risks Telephone:0295250090 Email Address: firstname.lastname@gov.fi