Medium-term Climate Change Policy Plan

The Medium-term Climate Policy Plan is based on the Climate Act. The plan is drawn up once during each electoral term. It includes an action programme to reduce emissions in the non-emissions trading sectors, i.e. the effort-sharing sector.

The effort-sharing sector comprises emissions from transport, agriculture, building-specific heating, non-road mobile machinery and waste management, and F-gas emissions.

The implementation of the plan is monitored through the Annual Climate Reports to Parliament. The planning system under the Climate Act is implemented side by side with the process to prepare the National Energy and Climate Strategies. These cover the emissions trading, effort sharing and land use sectors.

The process to prepare the new Medium-term Climate Policy Plan has started. A stakeholder event open to all was organised to provide information on the progress of the preparation.

The Government submitted the previous Medium-term Climate Policy Plan as report to Parliament on 2 June 2022. The preparation of the Medium-term Climate Policy Plan has been coordinated with the processes to prepare the Climate and Energy Strategy and the Climate Plan for the Land Use Sector. Together, these three plans and strategies cover all emissions in Finland and the measures to reduce them.

More information

Magnus Cederlöf, Senior Ministerial Adviser 
Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Environmental Protection Department, Climate Telephone:0295250060   Email Address: