Support for owner-occupied housing
Home savers bonus system (ASP)
The ‘home savers bonus system’ (ASP) is a scheme by which the state supports the acquisition of one’s first apartment. The ASP system encourages to save money to purchase an owner-occupied home. The system is intended for persons aged 15 to 44 who wish to purchase their first home. The system includes an interest subsidy loan and, where necessary, a central government guarantee.
- Read more about home savers bonus (ASP) saving (in Finnish)
- Finlex: Act on Bonus for Home Savers 1634/1992
- Finlex: Government Decree on Bonus for Home Savers 1636/1992 (in Finnish)
- Finlex: Act on Interest Subsidy for Loans Granted for Home Purchase 639/1982
- Finlex: Government Decree on Interest Subsidy for Loans Granted for Home Purchase 672/1982 (in Finnish)
Further information
Application procedure and advice: State Treasury tel. +358 295 502 248, asp(at)
Central government guarantee for housing loans
A central government guarantee may be issued for a loan granted for the purpose of purchasing an owner-occupied apartment or building a single-family house. The bank issues the guarantee in connection with the decision to grant the housing loan, and the guarantee is subject to a guarantee fee. However, no guarantee fee is collected on home savers bonus (ASP) loans.
Further information
State Treasury tel. +358 295 502 248, asp(at)
Central government guarantee for renovation to limited liability housing companies
A central government guarantee can be issued for a loan taken out by a limited liability housing company for the purpose of renovating a building. The housing company must have sufficient means to pay back the guarantee, and the guarantee is subject to a guarantee fee.
Further information
Application procedure and advice: Centre for State-Subsidised Housing Construction
- Guarantee loan for renovation to limited liability housing companies | (in Finnish)