Human action warms up the climate, with severe consequences. Limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees requires strong and fast emission reductions. Climate warming will continue despite the efforts to mitigate it, which means that adaptation will also be needed.

Nature and Water
The Ministry of the Environment aims to halt the decline in biodiversity in Finland, achieve and maintain a favourable conservation status for species and habitats, and ensure well-functioning ecosystems and at least a good status of rivers, lakes, groundwater and the Baltic Sea.
Preventing environmental pollution
The wellbeing of humans and the natural environment depends on good habitats and ecosystems. The Ministry of the Environment is working hard to identify and manage the environmental risks associated with the air and soil, the Baltic Sea and other waters.

Building and Land Use
The built environment lays the groundwork for people to lead a good life, and for viable regions and a carbon-neutral society. It must be well-functioning, safe and attractive. The Ministry of the Environment aims to ensure that building and construction are of a high quality standard and that urban and other regional planning supports sustainable development.

A well-functioning housing sector promotes the opportunities of all people to lead a good life and have a home that meets their needs in varying life situations. The aim of the Ministry of the Environment is to ensure an adequate supply of different types of housing options on the housing market, steer the construction industry and housing into a direction that is environmentally sustainable, and enhance the opportunities of residents to influence their housing conditions.

Circular Economy
The aim of the Ministry of the Environment is a circular economy that provides a foundation for all economic activities so that the production and consumption are within the Earth’s carrying capacity. A circular economy offers solutions to mitigate climate change and halt the decline in biodiversity.

The EU and International Cooperation
Promoting the wellbeing and sustainability of the environments we live in requires action in all policy-making arenas. In particular, environmental issues characteristically cross national borders, which means that international cooperation is needed to find solutions to these.

Research and Developement
The Strategy 2030 of the Ministry of the Environment “A better environment for future generations” specifies the objectives for the ministry’s activities. Research and development (R&D) activities are the key to reaching these targets, guided by the R&D Strategy of the Ministry of the Environment published in 2020.