National Waste Plan

The National Waste Plan to 2027 has been approved. The plan presents the objectives for waste management and for preventing the creation of waste and the measures to reach the objectives. 

In accordance with the Government Programme, the Waste Plan sets out a vision extending to the 2030s that supports the recycling and circular economy objectives. The aim is to increase the recycling rate at least to the level of the recycling targets of the EU.

The background report and impact assessment of the previous Waste Plan have also been part of process when the new plan was prepared. The impact assessment was updated by including a new summary table.

Background studies for the Waste Plan


The implementation of the Waste Plan will be monitored by means of quantitative indicators and by assessing the implementation of the measures. The Finnish Environment Institute compiles the quantitative indicator data on an annual basis.

More information

Sirje Stén, Ministerial Adviser 
Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Environmental Protection Department, Circular Economy Telephone:0295250276   Email Address: