Climate Barometer and Nature Barometer 2025
Awareness of progress of biodiversity loss has increased, climate solutions seen as opportunity for Finland

17.3.2025 6.29
The impacts of both climate change and biodiversity loss can be seen in the daily lives of most Finns. This is the conclusion to be made from the answers to the 2025 Climate and Nature Barometers. In municipal policy green investments are identified as sources of vitality, but opinions diverge with respect to their environmental impacts. Climate solutions are considered to boost Finland’s competitiveness.

Latest releases

Theme year highlights the many facets of our built heritage

24.3.2025 15.24
Built heritage is often considered to refer only to old and monumental buildings. However, new built heritage is being created all the time. In Finland, the European Heritage Days collect information on the kind of built environment that is relevant at the moment and showcase unique sites across Finland.

Climate Barometer and Nature Barometer 2025
Awareness of progress of biodiversity loss has increased, climate solutions seen as opportunity for Finland

17.3.2025 6.29
The impacts of both climate change and biodiversity loss can be seen in the daily lives of most Finns. This is the conclusion to be made from the answers to the 2025 Climate and Nature Barometers. In municipal policy green investments are identified as sources of vitality, but opinions diverge with respect to their environmental impacts. Climate solutions are considered to boost Finland’s competitiveness.

Opinions requested on proposals for Social Climate Fund measures in Finland

13.3.2025 10.03
The EU’s Social Climate Fund was created to address the social and financial challenges caused by the expansion of emissions trading. Opinions on the proposal for measures to use the Fund in Finland are now requested at the Ota kantaa online service. The deadline for submitting opinions is 26 March.

See also

  • Circular Economy »

    Finland is preparing a strategic programme to promote a circular economy. The aim is to transform the economy into one that is based on the principles of circular economy by 2035.

  • Helmi Habitats Programme »

    Helmi habitats programme, led by the Ministry of the Environment, aims to strengthen Finland’s biodiversity and safeguard the vital ecosystem services that nature provides for us.

  • Government Programme: A strong and committed Finland »

    The Government is seeking to make Finland a strong and committed country that can withstand global storms.


  • Minister of Climate and the Environment »

    Minister of Climate and the Environment Sari Multala is the head of the Ministry of the Environment.

  • Organisation and management »

    The Ministry of the Environment is responsible for preparing matters to be submitted for consideration by the Government and Parliament, such as matters concerning communities, the built environment, housing, biodiversity, sustainable use of natural resources, climate change and environmental protection.

  • Ministry of the Environment as a workplace »

    We at the Ministry of the Environment want to ensure a better environment for future generations. At the Ministry of the Environment, you can have an impact on environmental matters, building, housing and biodiversity.