Green Deal agreements

Green Deals and the commitments made under them promote sustainable development and accelerate the achievement of environmental objectives. The purpose of these voluntary agreements concluded for a fixed term is to find solutions for climate challenges, loss of biodiversity, overconsumption of natural resources and promoting a circular economy in Finland.
Green Deals can promote or complement the implementation of current legislation. They can also set more ambitious targets than those laid down by law and contribute to achieving certain targets without further regulation. The agreements offer a more flexible tool for seeking the most efficient, effective and topical solutions and operating models for reaching the common goals.

Green Deals bring together parties that have a key role in achieving the desired change. The parties to the agreement make ambitious commitments that aim to achieve environmentally and socially significant impacts. Green Deals seek results that can be reached in a relatively short term. The agreement is concluded between the State and business operators. Agreements can also be concluded with public bodies such as government agencies and local governments.

Home base for sustainable development commitments – Sitoumus 2050

Green Deals and the commitments made under these are part of Society’s Commitment to Sustainable Development introduced by the Finnish National Commission on Sustainable Development. More new operators are hoped to join the voluntary agreements. Companies and public bodies undertake to promote the objectives and actions set out in the agreements by making a commitment approved by the ministries at

Green Deals concluded by the Ministry of the Environment

A commitment to a Strategic Green Deal

The steering instruments of the Finnish Government now include a new commitment to a Strategic Green Deal. The Strategic Green Deal contains five areas of change and it extends until 2035. The Strategic Circular Economy Green Deal supplements the existing commitments and provides the opportunity to introduce a ‘roadmap’ for longer-term commitment and cooperation. All parties who have made a commitment to a Green Deal can also make a commitment to the Strategic Circular Economy Green Deal.

More information

Salla Koivusalo, Senior Specialist 
Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Environmental Protection Department, Circular Economy Telephone:0295250289   Email Address: