Management of woodland habitats

In the management of woodland habitats the aim is to enhance habitats where natural values have degraded as the area has become overgrown with trees and shrubs or because of human action. Such habitats include herb-rich forests, sun-exposed esker habitats and habitats of certain species.

At first measures are targeted to sites covered by a contract, decision or plan symbol concerning the protection of the area concerned. The habitat restoration programme Helmi aims to find new means to secure the natural and ecological values of different kinds of sites in cooperation with landowners.

Practical measures to manage woodland habitats may include removal of spruces in herb-rich forests or hardwood-dominated woodlands and improving the habitats of different species in nature conservation areas.


Maaret Väänänen, Senior Specialist 
Ministry of the Environment, Vesi- ja luontoympäristöosasto, Luonnonsuojelu ja luonnon virkistyskäyttö Telephone:0295250370   Email Address: