Wellbeing for future generations – updated strategy of the Ministry of the Environment for 2035
Ministry of the Environment seeks comprehensive solutions to ecological crisis, leads green transition and creates conditions for smooth everyday living
In future, the Ministry of the Environment will focus even more strongly on three themes: comprehensive solutions to the ecological sustainability crisis, leading the green transition and living environments that support wellbeing.
In practice, this means that the Ministry of the Environment will take action that will, at the same time, mitigate climate change, strengthen biodiversity and prevent pollution. In future, environmental crises that are intertwined in many ways cannot be solved separately, independent of each other. There is a risk that, as we are trying to solve one of the crises, we may worsen another.
Our wellbeing cannot be based on overconsumption of natural resources. Instead, our activities must be within the limits of our planet, which is why the circular economy must become the mainstream of the economy. The green transition is in the interest of Finland and the Finns: sustainable growth and export revenue of the future must be based on clean solutions. When targeted correctly, the solutions that serve the green transition will also mitigate climate change and enhance biodiversity. The role of the Ministry of the Environment is to lead the green transition and make sure that, besides economic considerations, natural and environmental parameters are even more strongly accounted for in decision-making in society. The impacts of all legislation and other forms of guidance by the central government on the climate and nature must be taken into account, and types of financial and other support that are harmful to the environment must be reconsidered. In the next 10 to 15 years, tens of billions euros in investments in the green transition will be mobilised in Finland. We must make sure that the resources and structures of the administration are such that they are capable of supporting this transformation.
“Our updated strategy broadly reflects on all measures in society in terms of whether they are implementing the green transition. I am very proud of this clear and even more prominent role of the Ministry of the Environment in leading the transition. Because of the global political situation, the green transition has become a security factor that will strengthen our security of supply and national security as a whole,” says Juhani Damski, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of the Environment.
The green transition must be made in a way that is environmentally sustainable and just so that it will win the support of different population groups. In the strategy, a particular focus is on inclusion and strengthening democracy. The Ministry of the Environment will support different kinds of regions in building healthy and safe environments that create wellbeing. Every person, regardless of their life situation, must be guaranteed a living environment where everyday life is smooth and it is easy to make sustainable choices.
Strategic objectives of the Ministry of the Environment
- Carbon negative Finland has stopped biodiversity loss and pollution
- Green transition is the foundation for growth
- Living environments and new solutions support smooth everyday living in all life situations
- Decision-making in society steers to the green transition
- We are a responsible and valued place to work
Juhani Damski
Permanent Secretary
[email protected]
Juho Korpi
Director for Development
tel. +358 295 250 136