Climate Policy Roundtable convenes to discuss EU’s Fit for 55 climate package

Government Communications DepartmentMinistry of the Environment
Publication date 24.8.2021 10.32
Type:Press release

The Climate Policy Roundtable will hold its tenth meeting on Wednesday 25 August. The topic to be discussed is the EU’s Fit for 55 package, which presents the means that will enable the EU to reduce its emissions by at least 55% by 2030. This binding emission reduction target is also included in the EU Climate Law, which entered into force in summer 2021.

The legislative proposals of the Fit for 55 package cover a wide range of sectors of the economy, including emissions trading reform, burden sharing between countries, energy efficiency, renewable energy, the role of the land use sector and carbon sinks, emission limits for cars, energy taxes and carbon border tax (carbon border adjustment mechanism CBAM).

The Roundtable will discuss how the proposals of the EU’s Fit for 55 package will support Finland in achieving its carbon neutrality target and how just transition should be taken into account both between the Member States and nationally. The chair of the meeting is Prime Minister Sanna Marin.

The measures that Finland has planned so far will not be enough to reach the EU climate target or Finland’s own carbon neutrality target by 2035. Further measures will be included in the new Medium-term Climate Change Policy Plan and Climate and Energy Strategy that are currently being prepared. The outlines for the additional measures should be decided in the government budget session this autumn.

The Climate Policy Roundtable brings together a broad spectrum of stakeholders from different sectors of society. The purpose of the Roundtable is to create a common understanding of how Finland can make a just transition to a carbon neutral society by 2035. With its work, the Roundtable supports the preparation and implementation of Finland’s national climate policy.

To follow the work of the Roundtable in social media use #ilmastonpyöreäpöytä and #hiilineutraali2035.


Joonas Rahkola
Special Adviser to the Prime Minister
tel. +358 29 5160 990
[email protected]

Riikka Yliluoma
Special Adviser to the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change
tel. +358 50 414 1682
[email protected]

Jarmo Muurman
Senior Ministerial Adviser, Secretary-General of the Climate Policy Roundtable
tel. +358 295 250 185
[email protected]

Krista Mikkonen Sanna Marin