Minister Mykkänen: Lessons to be learned from destruction of freshwater pearl mussels to develop forestry practices and regulation

29.8.2024 17.05
Minister of Climate and the Environment Kai Mykkänen will meet representatives of the forest sector on 10 September. The Ministry of the Environment is exploring further actions that could be taken to protect threatened habitats.

Latest releases

Minister Mykkänen: Lessons to be learned from destruction of freshwater pearl mussels to develop forestry practices and regulation

29.8.2024 17.05
Minister of Climate and the Environment Kai Mykkänen will meet representatives of the forest sector on 10 September. The Ministry of the Environment is exploring further actions that could be taken to protect threatened habitats.

Finnish Environment Institute, Ministry of the Environment and Southwest Finland Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment
Status assessment of the marine environment: minor improvements in the state of sea areas in Finland, overall picture remains poor

28.8.2024 8.36
The status of the Baltic Sea remains predominantly poor. The effects of eutrophication in all sea areas disrupt biodiversity and the functioning of the food network. However, the harmful development may be reversing. Although the change is not substantial from the previous status assessment published in 2018, longer-term monitoring indicates a slight improvement.

The Ilmarinen shipwreck is being investigated to avoid potential oil spills

12.8.2024 10.01
Maisemakuva Itämereltä. Kuvituskuva.
Investigations on methods for removing oil from the sunken coastal defence ship Ilmarinen will continue between 12 and 18 August 2024 on the Navy’s multipurpose vessel Louhi. As a result of the amendment to the Environmental Protection Act that entered into force at the beginning of 2023, the responsibility for monitoring and gathering information on hazardous shipwrecks has been assigned to the Finnish Environment Institute, which now coordinates the research carried out at Ilmarinen.

See also

  • Circular Economy »

    Finland is preparing a strategic programme to promote a circular economy. The aim is to transform the economy into one that is based on the principles of circular economy by 2035.

  • Helmi Habitats Programme »

    Helmi habitats programme, led by the Ministry of the Environment, aims to strengthen Finland’s biodiversity and safeguard the vital ecosystem services that nature provides for us.

  • Government Programme: A strong and committed Finland »

    The Government is seeking to make Finland a strong and committed country that can withstand global storms.


  • Minister of Climate and the Environment »

    Minister of Climate and the Environment Kai Mykkänen is the head of the Ministry of the Environment.

  • Organisation and management »

    The Ministry of the Environment is responsible for preparing matters to be submitted for consideration by the Government and Parliament, such as matters concerning communities, the built environment, housing, biodiversity, sustainable use of natural resources, climate change and environmental protection.

  • Ministry of the Environment as a workplace »

    We at the Ministry of the Environment want to ensure a better environment for future generations. At the Ministry of the Environment, you can have an impact on environmental matters, building, housing and biodiversity.