Autumn wetland landscape in the city wins the Landscape Day photo contest

The photos entered to the International Landscape Day photo contest offer perspectives to October landscapes. A photo taken in Helsinki won the best photo award in this year’s contest, organised by the Ministry of the Environment and Finnish Environment Institute.
The first prize was awarded to a photo taken by Niko Ahokangas in Lammassaari, Helsinki on 19 October 2024. The International Landscape Day was celebrated on 20 October, and landscape photos taken between 14 and 20 October 2024 could be entered to the contest. The theme of the contest was “My Landscape”.
“The winning photo shows in an interesting way how nature and the built environment meet in an urban landscape. The colours are beautiful and the photo presents a wide array of landscape elements. Wetlands and their restoration are also highly topical themes today,” says Senior Specialist Martina Reinikainen from the Ministry of the Environment and chair of the jury.
The winner will receive a gift card with a value of EUR 500 to be used at Rajala Pro Shop. Commendations for their photos were awarded to: Timo Uimi (Kontiolahti 20 October 2024), Ulla Vuori (Kuopio, Tahko 16 October 2024), Leena Järvenranta (Pori, Yyteri 19 October 2024) and Juhani Virkanen (Helsinki, Malmi graveyard 19 October 2024).
The winning photos and other photos entered to the contest will be displayed in the lobby windows of the Ministry of the Environment on 6–28 November 2024 (Aleksanterinkatu 7, Helsinki).
Among the Landscape Day events was the #arkimaisema campaign on Instagram where people could showcase their everyday landscapes by taking photos and sharing them with others. The celebrations also included guided scenic walks in different parts of Finland.
Managed landscapes and cultural environments maintain habitats needed by numerous species and improve human wellbeing
The International Landscape Day wants to draw attention to the fact that landscapes are a key part of everyone’s cultural heritage, identity, wellbeing and the quality and diversity of the natural environment.
The Landscape Day is celebrated every year under the Council of Europe Landscape Convention that promotes the management, protection and planning of landscapes. The Convention has been ratified by 40 Council of Europe member states, by Finland in 2006.
This year the International Landscape Day was celebrated for the eighth time. The day’s events honour people’s everyday environments and show how environmental amenities and biodiversity are managed in different locations.
The preparations were coordinated by and the jury was composed of representatives of the Ministry of the Environment, Finnish Environment Institute, Rural Women's Advisory Organization, Finnish Local Heritage Federation and Finnish Association of Landscape Industries. The International Landscape Day is part of the programme of the European Cultural Heritage Days.
Martina ReinikainenSenior Specialist
Ministry of the Environment
tel. +358 295 250 484
[email protected]
Annika Uddström
Finnish Environment Institute
tel. +358 295 251 715
[email protected]