Circular Economy

The aim of the Ministry of the Environment is a circular economy that provides a foundation for all economic activities so that the production and consumption are within the Earth’s carrying capacity. A circular economy offers solutions to mitigate climate change and halt the decline in biodiversity. In a circular economy natural resources are used more sustainably and they are kept in circulation safely and for a longer time.

At the Ministry of the Environment, work on a circular economy is being done at the Department of the Built Environment, Environmental Protection Department and Department of the Natural Environment.

Strategic programme to promote a circular economy

Finland has prepared a strategic programme to promote a circular economy. The aim is to transform the economy into one that is based on the principles of circular economy by 2035.

Strategic programme to promote a circular economy

The Plastics Roadmap for Finland

Reduce and Refuse, Recycle and Replace – the Plastics Roadmap for Finland points out the first steps towards a new, sustainable plastic economy. The Plastics Roadmap

Waste management

Finland's waste policy aims to promote the sustainable use of natural resources and to ensure that waste does not endanger human health or harm the environment.

Waste management