Finland to donate wastewater treatment equipment to Ukraine

Ministry of the Environment
Publication date 22.3.2023 9.30
Type:Press release

The Helsinki Region Environmental Services HSY has commissioned the Suomenoja wastewater treatment plant in Espoo to carry out an inventory of its equipment, with the aim of donating some of this to Ukrainian wastewater treatment plants. The Ministry of the Environment of Finland supports the donation.

Helsinki Region Environmental Services HSY and Ministry of the Environment:

The Ministry of the Environment funded the inventory of the equipment of the Suomenoja wastewater treatment plant, where all surplus goods were listed and their condition and functionality were assessed. Relating to the donation, the Ministry of the Environment has also opened further discussions with the Ukrainian environmental administration on the needs of the wastewater sector and on sites where the greatest benefit will be gained from the equipment.

“Russia’s cruel war of aggression has cost lives in Ukraine and destroyed the country’s infrastructure. Even in the middle of a war, clean waters are highly important. It is great that HSY wishes to contribute to helping Ukrainians in these times of distress and in the reconstruction of their country,” says Minister of the Environment and Climate Change Maria Ohisalo.

The operations of the Suomenoja wastewater treatment plant were closed down in January 2023, when all wastewater previously treated at the plant was conducted to the new Blominmäki wastewater treatment plant. 

"HSY commissioned a contractor to detach the equipment and pack it for transport. If Ukrainians give the green light to the delivery, the first equipment consignment could perhaps be sent already during this spring,” says Tommi Fred, Executive Director of HSY. 

“Some parts of the equipment cannot be detached until the entire treatment plant has been demolished, which means that it will take until the autumn before these can be sent,” he says. 

The goods will be delivered to Ukraine through the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism, which in Finland is coordinated by the Ministry of the Interior.

The demolition of the Suomenoja treatment plant is being prepared in cooperation with the City of Espoo, and now the plan is to get started in autumn 2023.

The UN World Water Day is celebrated on 22 March. The theme of the World Water Day 2023 is accelerating change to solve the global water and sanitation crisis.


Kristian Sahlstedt
Director of Wastewater Treatment
Helsinki Region Environmental Services HSY
tel. +358 50 331 2256
[email protected]

Marjukka Porvari
Senior Specialist
Ministry of the Environment
tel. +358 295 250 412
[email protected]