Publication on Joint Building Venture, Dream to Reality, Malta Housing Cooperative, Helsinki

Ministry of the Environment
Publication date 18.12.2013 7.49
Type:News item

Interest in joint building ventures has increased in recent years. They have become popular as a mechanism for new housing projects, where the individual needs of the owner-occupants are the starting point for design and production.

The present government programme of Prime Minister Jyrki Katainen includes the objective of improving the possibilities for joint venture building projects. In addition, the Ministry of Justice is drafting new legislation for improving joint building ventures, in collaboration with the Ministry of the Environment.

Procedures for joint venture housing are varied, and projects may range from detached dwellings to multistorey blocks of flats. The objectives and important phases of owner-occupant driven processes for joint building ventures are shown.

The case study in this report is the Malta Housing Cooperative of Helsinki, completed in December 2013 in the Jätkäsaari district of Helsinki. The goal of the report is to show the total process chain for the production of owner-occupant driven housing projects. It is critical for the success of the project to have experienced design consultants and a skilled construction company, along with their sub-contractors.