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Prime Minister Juha Sipilä to lead the Finnish National Commission on Sustainable Development

Ministry of the Environment
Publication date 1.10.2015 7.51
Press release

Today, the Finnish Government has appointed the Finnish National Commission on Sustainable Development with a new composition. Prime Minister Juha Sipilä starts as the Chair of the Commission and the Minister of Agriculture and the Environment Kimmo Tiilikainen starts as the Deputy Chair. Counsellor Annika Lindblom from the Ministry of the Environment starts as the Secretary General of the Commission on 1 October.

One of the most important tasks of the Commission in the coming years will be participating in the monitoring and assessment of the national implementation of the new UN Agenda for Sustainable Development and its goals. Finland’s implementation of the agenda includes the Society’s Commitment to Sustainable Development created by the Commission; different parties ranging from the business sector to non-governmental organisations and the public administration participate in it by making their own goal-oriented operational commitments. More than 160 Finnish companies, organisations, ministries and schools are already involved in promoting sustainable development. The realisation of the commitments is measured, assessed and monitored systematically.

The more extensive goal of the Commission is to include sustainable development goals in all political decision-making, encourage and support different actors in promoting sustainable development, and participate actively in international cooperation.

"The significance of and need for sustainable development is growing both globally and nationally and therefore I place great importance on the Commission's work and am pleased to hold the chairmanship. The global UN Action Plan for Sustainable Development provides a good framework for enhancing our national actions and measures. Life in this increasingly interdependent world calls for new a new kind of thinking where issues related to human rights, poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental problems, peace and security must be comprehensively approached. A broad-based sustainable development commission provides an excellent forum for addressing these questions," says Prime Minister Sipilä.

The Finnish National Commission on Sustainable Development includes representatives from the Government and ministries, the Parliament, the Finnish Sámi Parliament, Åland, municipalities and regions, the business sector, trade unions, non-governmental organisations, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland, science and research, the Social Insurance Institution of Finland as well as the fields of education and training. The general secretariat moving into the Prime Minister’s Office as well as a broad-based network secretariat consisting of various administrative sectors are responsible for the practical work of the Commission. The scientific expert panel on sustainable development hosted by Sitra supports the work of the Commission.

Further information

Secretary General of the Finnish National Commission on Sustainable Development Annika Lindblom, Ministry of the Environment, tel. +358 (0) 295 250 163, [email protected]

Special Adviser to the Minister of the Environment Anne Kettunen, tel. +358 (0) 46 923 5169, [email protected]