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Global plastics agreement to be negotiated at the UN Environment Assembly on 28 February to 2 March

Ministry of the Environment
Publication date 25.2.2022 8.04
Press release

The United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-5.2) brings together nearly 200 Member States to launch the negotiations on a global plastics agreement. UNEA is the highest environmental decision-making body in the UN. The Finnish delegation in Nairobi, Kenya, is headed by State Secretary Terhi Lehtonen from the Ministry of the Environment.

The Assembly will discuss several draft resolutions, three of which relate to plastic pollution and marine plastic litter. One of the key objectives of Finland and the European Union is for Member States to begin negotiations on a legally binding global plastics agreement. Finland aims for an ambitious agreement covering the full life cycle, sustainable production and consumption of plastics, and the circular economy. The competing proposals are more focused on the end of the plastics life cycle and on waste management, the voluntary reduction of single-use plastics and the prevention of marine litter.

“Millions of tonnes of plastic end up in the seas every year. The seas and marine plastic pollution know no borders. That is why we need a global agreement and common goals to stop plastic pollution,” said Minister of the Environment and Climate Change Emma Kari.

Member States will also discuss launching negotiations on setting up and deciding on the tasks of a science policy panel on chemicals, waste and pollution. In Finland’s view, the panel should draw up scientific reports to support decision-making and raise new topics of global concern, as well as find solutions for them. In addition, Finland seeks to strengthen the scientific role of the UN Environment Programme.

The Assembly will also discuss resolutions on biodiversity and the circular economy.

The Assembly is expected to agree on an ambitious Ministerial Declaration, with an emphasis on the importance of a clean and diverse environment and climate action to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

The Assembly will be followed by a Special Session on 3 and 4 March to mark the 50th anniversary of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP). The Session's high-level dialogues will evaluate UNEP's achievements over the 50 years and its role in achieving the goals of the 2030 Agenda. The Session is set to publish a high-level political declaration to strengthen environmental governance, environmental law and the UNEP.

The Finnish delegation has representatives from ministries, research institutes, civil society organisations and the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra, and it also includes a youth delegate.


Marjaana Kokkonen, Ministerial Adviser, tel. +358 46 921 0132, [email protected]

Tuulia Toikka (plastics agreement), tel. +358 40 552 4054, [email protected]