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EU - United States climate, energy and development dialogue

Ministry of the Environment
Publication date 18.10.2006 6.00
Press release -

Media accreditation deadline 20 OctoberThe European Union and the United States of America will conduct a High-Level Dialogue on Climate Change, Clean Energy and Sustainable Development in Helsinki, Finland, on October 24-25, 2006.

The objective of the talks is to build on existing transatlantic initiatives and further advance the G-8 Gleneagles Plan of Action for Climate Change, Clean Energy and Sustainable Development.

Finland's Environment Minister Jan-Erik Enestam and Minister of Trade and Industry Mauri Pekkarinen will host the meeting for the EU Presidency, along with the European Commission. The United States delegation, led by Under Secretary of State for Democracy and Global Affairs Paula Dobriansky, will be co-chaired by White House Council on Environmental Quality Chairman James Connaughton and Under Secretary of Energy David Garman. Other participants will include the European Commission's environment, transport and energy directorates, and representatives from the Government of Germany, upcoming EU President, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

The EU and the United States agreed to this Dialogue at the U.S.-EU Summit held in Vienna last June. The agenda at the Helsinki meeting will highlight existing cooperative transatlantic approaches and explore prospective areas of engagement on these important issues. Discussion topics will include policies and measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, carbon capture and storage, renewable energy sources, clean diesel, cleaner and more efficient vehicles, and biodiversity.

Media accreditation

Access to the venue is limited to accredited media representatives. The media representatives are kindly asked to submit a request for accreditation for the meeting. An on-line accreditation form can be found on the EU Presidency website at Accreditation must take place by 20 October at the latest.

The accreditation and media info desk are located at the Ministry of the Environment (address: Kasarmikatu 25, Helsinki). Badges can be collected from the accreditation desk on 24 October from 13.00-18.00 and on 25 October from 9.00-11.00

Media programme

The High-Level Dialogue on Climate Change, Clean Energy and Sustainable Development will take place at the Government Banquet Hall, Smolna, in Helsinki. Media access is at Fabianinkatu 25, 00130 Helsinki.

Tuesday, 24 October
* Tour de Table photo opportunity at 14.00, prior to the first meeting sessio
* Family photo at 15.30
* Press conference at 18.00

Wednesday, 25 October
The meeting will continue on Wednesday at the Government Banquet Hall. The discussions will end at 11.00.
* Press conference at 11.15

Please note, media representatives should arrive at the meeting venue 15 minutes before the photo opportunity or press conference.

For further information on media arrangements, please visit media services/ media guides.

For further information, please contact:

Communications Manager Taina Pieski, Ministry of the Environment,tel. +358-9-1603 9615, +358-40-506 1173, e-mail: [email protected]. Mauri Vieru, Communications Officer, Ministry of the Environment: tel. +358 9 1603 9446, +358-40-547 1502, e-mail: firstname.lastname Satu Ikäheimo, Communications Officer, Ministry of Trade and Industry: tel. +358 9 1606 3577, +358-50 431 6519, e-mail: [email protected]. Media arrangements: Visa Noronen, Head of Media Arrangements, Secretariat for Finland's EU Presidency, tel. +358-9-160 22607, +358-40-502 2917, e-mail: [email protected]