Minister Mykkänen: Actions needed to restore trust in responsible and sustainable forest industry

10.9.2024 17.34
Minister of Climate and the Environment Kai Mykkänen met the senior management of forest companies on Tuesday 10 September to discuss the damages to freshwater pearl mussels at Suomussalmi. A particular focus was on access to data on the species and the role of supervision.

Latest releases

EU Member States support adapting the conservation status of wolf  - Finland voted for the decision

25.9.2024 16.13
The European Commission gave a proposal to move the wolf from the list of strictly protected species to protected species in December 2023. On Wednesday 25 September, the EU Member States outlined that the adaptation of the conservation status will proceed to be decided by the Standing Committee of the Bern Convention.

Minister Mykkänen: Work on voluntary carbon markets continues – Finland has potential related to technical carbon sequestration solutions

24.9.2024 12.34
The Government has set the target to promote voluntary carbon markets. The aim is to create long-term business opportunities related to carbon sequestration, which would also contribute to Finland’s efforts to reach the climate targets.

Climate Week in partnership with UN General Assembly started in New York – Finland joined CHAMP initiative to boost climate action in cities and regions

23.9.2024 10.43
Cities and municipalities are in a key position in terms of reaching the climate targets, both in Finland and globally. Finland has joined the UN CHAMP initiative to support the climate work of cities and regions.

See also

  • Circular Economy »

    Finland is preparing a strategic programme to promote a circular economy. The aim is to transform the economy into one that is based on the principles of circular economy by 2035.

  • Helmi Habitats Programme »

    Helmi habitats programme, led by the Ministry of the Environment, aims to strengthen Finland’s biodiversity and safeguard the vital ecosystem services that nature provides for us.

  • Government Programme: A strong and committed Finland »

    The Government is seeking to make Finland a strong and committed country that can withstand global storms.


  • Minister of Climate and the Environment »

    Minister of Climate and the Environment Kai Mykkänen is the head of the Ministry of the Environment.

  • Organisation and management »

    The Ministry of the Environment is responsible for preparing matters to be submitted for consideration by the Government and Parliament, such as matters concerning communities, the built environment, housing, biodiversity, sustainable use of natural resources, climate change and environmental protection.

  • Ministry of the Environment as a workplace »

    We at the Ministry of the Environment want to ensure a better environment for future generations. At the Ministry of the Environment, you can have an impact on environmental matters, building, housing and biodiversity.